
Creating a bundle

Susan Kratzer Updated by Susan Kratzer

Creating a Bundle

  1. Open URL
  2. Populate the email and password fields, then press login
  3. On the far right of your screen you will see a +Bundle button, select this and enter in your matter number and description
  4. Select Create Bundle
If you are using Productivity as a stand-alone-solution, pressing Create Bundle is when you will be charged for your bundle.

Creating multiple bundles on a matter

  1. Selecting the File Republic logo in the top left of your screen will direct you back to your firm bundle list (this list is all the bundles created by users in your firm, unless they have been marked private)
  2. Always search for the matter prior to pressing +Bundle to make sure it exists
  3. If you do want another separate bundle on a matter you need to select +Bundle and enter in the matter number and description
  4. This will create another bundle and if you are using Productivity as a stand-alone-solution, then it will also incur another disbursement charge

How did we do?

Creating a Bundle

Customising Pagination to Include a Section Number with Pagination
