Document Settings

Susan Kratzer Updated by Susan Kratzer

Each document that you add to your bundle has its own settings

Highlight your document and click the settings icon located on the top right panel. The document settings window appears.

Show on Index Page

You can either hide or show your document on the generated index page

Exclude Document in Bundle

The document is not displayed in the generated bundle output.

Simple Insert

Mark a document as a simple insert if you are importing later and do not want the numbering to be affected.

Late Insert

Mark a document as a late insert and the document numbering will show as 1.A, 1.C etc. instead of continuing the sequential order.


The document is shown as a strikeout. It is included on the generated bundle index pages (as a strikeout). However, the document is not included in the generated bundle pages.

Date Displayed

Nominate what date will be stamped on the index. Options include the PMS Modified, PMS Created, Import Date, From File Name, Custom Date and Free Text.

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