Section Settings

Susan Kratzer Updated by Susan Kratzer

Highlight the section you wish to customise and click on the settings icon located on the top panel.

The settings pop-up windows appear.

Include Title & Index Page for your Section

In the section settings, you can have a title page and index for each individual section by toggling one/both options on.

Section Colour

The colour selected is displayed in the bundle screen, as well as the colour used to highlight the section in the generated PDF bundle output.

Show Document Dates & Times inside Section

Apply dates and times for all documents inside the section which will appear on your Global Index.

Select Document Date Origin

Nominate what date will be stamped on the index. Options include the LEAP Modified, LEAP Created, Import Date and From File Name.

Select Document Time Zone

Apply time zones on all documents inside the section which will appear on your Global Index.

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